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tv   Early Start with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs  CNN  May 28, 2018 2:00am-2:59am PDT

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dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. breaking overnight. flash floods watching away part of the baltimore suburb. the pictures are incredible. ellicott city is completely under water for the second time in almost two years. we're looking at june 12th in singapore. that hasn't changed. >> new efforts to revive the singapore summit. u.s. team on the ground in north korea. so who blinked? the president or kim jong-un? and while the president's
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unfounded claims of the spy in the campaign, his lawyer admits it is a tactic and blames the special counsel. >> they're giving us the material. this is for public opinion. >> rudy's at it again. >> he is being transparent. >> welcome to "early start." i'm alison kosik. >> i'm dave briggs. it is monday, may 28th. memorial day. we are remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice. we start with the latest on north korea. just like that. summit between the u.s. and north korea may be back on. an american delegation traveled to north korea sunday for talks to prepare for a possible meeting between president trump and north korean dictator kim jong-un. a delegation will focus on the substance of the talks while another team is focusing on the logistics. they left for singapore this weekend. >> both moves are looking to see
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if the summit is back on. there was this comment from the president. listen. >> i think there is a lot of goodwill. a lot of people want to get meeting and get something done. it is moving along nicely. we're looking at june 12th in singapore. that hasn't changed. >> for the latest now, let's go to cnn's matt rivers joining us live from seoul, south korea. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, alison. development over the last 24 hours is that the u.s. delegation made its way to the demilitarized zone. meeting with the north korean counterparts. we know the u.s. delegation is led by the ambassador to the philippines sung kim. he was previously the ambassador in south korea and had a huge role in the negotiations with north korea in the 2000s. some experience on the u.s. side. that is followed by several days since the summit canceled by the united states of optimistic
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signs. north koreans want it to happen and the united states wants it to happen and the south koreans pushing for the summit to happen here. we saw the meeting with south korean president moon jae-in and kim jong-un on saturday. that meeting was all about trying to make the summit happen. we hear from the south korean side that the north koreans remain to denuclearization the kee korean peninsula. what they want in return is in big question. the parties here are trying to bring all of this together. that may be coming at the expense of the country like china. china doing what it can to influence the discussions and north korean side. before we send it back to you, a freedom of navigation in the south china sea within the last 48 hours, we're told, where u.s. navy ships sailed close to the islands in the south china sea. that is a good reminder it is a good relationship.
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that is a sign what happens in one spot of east asia can have an impact on the ongoing negotiations. >> and the trade necessigotiati with the u.s. and china impa impacting what happens with north korea. matt rivers live from seoul. thank you. >> let's chat more with sarah westwood. up and early on memorial day. let's talk about the singapore summit. what changed between the time the president sent out the premature breakup letter and now. is it simply being nice to the president and i'll meet with you. >> it is like president trump never canceled the meeting. there seems to be disagreement within the administration whether it is still able to hold the meeting on june 12th. they lost between several days between now and the cancellation, but the north koreans were unresponsive leading up to the cancellation.
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that is why president trump issued that interesting letter scrapping the summit all together. we have 15 days before the june 12th. the date of the summit. there is a lot of ground to cover with the north koreans and u.s. not just logistically for the meeting of this size and caliber, but the substance of the talks. north koreans are making demands of the trump administration that trump said he would be unwilling to do. he said he is not willing to ease the north korean sanctions. he wants north korea to disarm completely before lifting economic pressure. that is not clear if it is acceptable to pyongyang. an a lot left to get done. >> it is also not clear if june 12th will stick. it is something we saw the president pounce on after a "new york times" article talking
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about the background briefing which happened at the white house on saturday. he tweeted this. the failing "new york times" who says an official who doesn't really exist, stating the meeting on june 12th would be impossible given the amount of time and lack of meeting. wrong again. use real people, not phony sources. this is not white house source. this meeting did happen in front of hundreds of reporters. this happened on saturday. it was a question and answer. deputy press secretary introduced the official. we had david sanger from "the new york times." the reason this official was not named in the story because it insisted the briefing was on background. best way to alleviate the concern of the anonymous source is for the white house to name the official. at this point, sarah, it looks like the president is calling the white house official fake.
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>> a particularly brazen attack from trump who has gone after the use of anonymous sources before because this was someone who was authorized to speak on behalf of the administration. who was delivering the party line from the white house. this was scheduled in advance. this took place very close to the oval office. it is remarkable for president trump to go after someone who was tasked with explaining the administration's position on north korea. it shows just how clear and deep those divisions are within the administration about whether the june 12th summit is doable. all of it is up for debate internally. with 15 days left, there is a lot of pressure on the white house to smooth that over. they have already given critics a lot of whiplash and room it to criticize the meeting generating skepticism in washington before. they have a difficult task ahead of them. >> not clear if the than the knows or cares what -- not clear
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if the president knows or cares what a background is here. in the end here, he reinforces his fake news narrative whether it is false or not. let's talk about the pr strategy of the mueller probe and how they are fighting back. rudy giuliani making more news on sunday with dana bash. listen to what rudy said. >> they are giving us the material. i couldn't do it if they didn't have the material. of course we have to do it in defending the president. remember, dana, we are defending here for public opinion. eventually the decision here is going to be impeach or not impeach. members of congress, democrats or republicans, will be informed by constituents. our jury is as it should be, the american people. >> a stunning bit of almost transparency by rudy. just admitting what this is all about. is this effective? is this how you should defend the innocent client? >> rudy's candor continues to
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get the white house in trouble. there is not a lot of concern within the white house or republicans that the fbi authority was abused, but they want to win for president trump in the court of public opinion that eventually if the mueller investigation produces something that leaves trump legally vulnerable. president trump can inn knock la -- innoculate by this situation. that will make it difficult to push the conspiracy theory about the spy with credibility in the future. >> and not to mention the tweet storm happening over the weekend. did you count? >> i lost track. >> sarah, check back in with you. former president george h.w. bush hospitalized in maine after experiencing low blood pressure
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and fatigue. his spokesperson is describing him awake and alert. bush must have partied too hard with the american legion this weekend. he was hospitalized last month. america's fallen service members honored at the 150th memorial day observance at arlington national cemetery. the army military district of washington will conduct a wreath laying ceremony at the unknown soldier. the president is expected to attend. he is proclaiming memorial day a day of prayer for permanent peace. state of emergency declared in howard county, maryland after the massive storm slammed the region and flash floods in ellicott city. you see the water rushing right through the city's historic main
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street. 8 inches of rain fell in a few hours. it sent the nearby river to a record-breaking depth. in some areas, waters reached above the first floor windows. at one point, deputies moved a cnn crew and others in the area due to a suspected gas leak. the rushing water so powerful, it left cars upended. check this out. barely two years after the city ravaged by yet another flood. >> the floor was flooded with water. water was coming in through the walls. >> it is hard to see every time it rains here. the community's heart stops. i don't know what we will do. i can tell you ellicott city is the strongest community. we will rebuild the best we can here. >> no injuries or fatalities reported. there is another major weather concern. sub tropical storm alberto threatening florida and the gulf
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coast. the first named storm of the 2018 season. making for a messy memorial day. delta issued a travel waiver for alabama and florida. meteorologist allison chinchar has more. >> alison, the first named storm of the 2018 hurricane season alberto. it is bringing heavy rainfall to the areas of the southeast. it will take the heavy rain up north in the coming hours. we expect landfall of alberto to happen within the next 12 hours. although impacts have already started for florida within the last 24 hours. you can notice as it continues to the north, it will weaken quickly. this is fantastic news. however, that doesn't mean the storm will dissipate entirely. we still expect to have very heavy rainfall. not just for the gulf coast states, but even further inland. atlanta, nashville, charlotte, can still expect to have widespread amounts of 4 to 6
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inches of rain with isolated spots especially along the coastal regions picking up 8 to 10 inches of rain. here is a look at the forecast, heavy rain pushing up the coast into states like georgia, alabama, tennessee and eventually up into areas of the mid-atlantic. for example washington, d.c. and baltimore. they are still recovering from the flooding that took place on sunday. >> thanks, allison. hurricane season runs from june 1st to november. get ready. ahead, lava fountains reaching as high as 200 feet in leilani estates. new evacuations from the kilauea volcano. the latest from hawaii is next. i'm about to start the hair, skin and nails challenge.
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breaking overnight. new evacuations under way in hawaii with increased volcanic activity from kilauea. officials clearing out residents on leilani estates.
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one fissure with lava fountains reaching as high as 200 feet. miguel marquez is there. >> reporter: alison and dave, this is leilani estates. this is fissure 7 in the 24 which is now erupting in the complex of volcanic activity in the lower southeastern area of kilauea. what are you looking at down the bottom of the road is hardened lava. this road went through leilani estates. it is now blocked by 20 feet of lava. it is fountaining above it. this is as impressive and terrifying as it gets. one big problem they have coming up is the wind is about to change direction. it has been blowing toward less populated areas and now it will start blowing toward hilo and pahoa. that will cause problems for people breathing on the island
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of hawaii which is a long way through from all of this. dave and alison. >> thank you, miguel. the king reigns again. king james going back to the finals for the eighth straight season. lindsay czarniak is here with details in the "bleacher report." it took guts to start my business. but as it grew bigger and bigger, it took a whole lot more. that's why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy. everything. what's in your wallet? burning, pins-and-needles of beforediabetic nerve pain, these feet... grew into a free-wheeling a kid... loved every step of fatherhood... and made old cars good as new.
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comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. a roller coaster ride for the cavs and lebron james. they are headed to the nba finals again. >> good morning, lindsay czarniak. >> you can't beat him. >> the celtics were undefeated
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at home. we kept saying the one game they could not afford to lose was game seven. this was the celtics favor. when it is do or die, lebron james is not the man you want to be going up against. james willed his team to an unreal victory. eighth straight nba finals appeaan answ answer peer answer -- appearance. and he played all 48 minutes. and then this, going for the dunk. i don't know what to say about that. what lebron was doing is all he could. the game was back and forth. tatum playing like he was in that situation before. he led boston with 24 points. cavaliers overwhelmed the celtics. they win 87-79. lebron james knows how special it is to get back to the nba
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final. >> roller coaster. it has been good. it's been bad. it has been roses. it's been thorns and roses. everything you can ask. it has been a challenging season. >> the bigger the stage, the bigger the player. he has been doing it for us since we have been here. you know, a great quote from the great doc rivers. you want to go in game seven with the best player. we have the best player on our team going into game seven. i like our chances. >> how lucky is that guy? ty lue. who will they play? they have to wait and see. game seven with the warriors and rockets tonight at 9:00 eastern on our sister network tnt. to racing. the 102nd running of the indianapolis 500. danica patrick racing one last time before retirement. this is not what she wanted in
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the 68th lap. ending her day as she crashed in the wall. visibly upset. >> it was not the way i wanted to end. i would not want to end any year like that. of course, being the last one makes it a lot worse. >> she didn't get to finish the race. it would be a good day for will power. going on to win the race. he took the lead with four laps left to win his first indy 500. he become the first australian to win the race. he said he is lactose intolerant. he said the milk tasted great. >> it wasn't lactose free? >> that's a good question. >> there is a question in the race that says pick your milk. >> i was shocked one year. i did not realize they do it. you can do almond. rice.
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2%. >> hope he is feeling okay. >> that is the 17th indy for roger penske and team penske. thanks, behilindsay. officials are trying to salvage the president's summit with kim jong-un. u.s. team on the ground in north korea. another team in singapore and is south korea's president trying to get involved? epic flooding in maryland. ellicott city is a baltimore suburb which is under waeter fo the second time in two years. is one of the counties y that you don't think about very much. it's really not very important. i was in the stone ages as much as technology wise. and i would say i had nothing. you become a school teacher for one reason, you love kids. and so you don't have the same tools,
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beach strength protection for the whole family. for the best day in the sun. neutrogena®. breaking overnight. flash floods washing away a baltimore suburb. ellicott city under water for the second time in almost two years. we're looking at june 12th in singapore. that hasn't changed. >> new efforts to revive the summit with north korea. a u.s. team on the ground in north korea. who blinked? the president or kim jong-un? and while the president talks about unfounded claims in his campaign, his lawyer admits it is a tactic and blames the special counsel. >> of course we have to do it in
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defending the president. >> it is a stunning transparency. welcome back to "early start." i'm dave briggs. >> i'm alison kosik. the summit between the u.s. and north korea may be back on. an american delegation traveled to north korea sunday for talks to prepare for a possible meeting between president trump and north korean dictator kim jong-un. another team of u.s. officials focused on summit logistics. they left for singapore this weekend. >> both moves may call the summit back on after this comment from the president. >> i think there is a lot of goodwill. a lot of people want to get meeting and get something done. it is moving along nicely. we're looking at june 12th in singapore. that hasn't changed. >> for the latest now, let's go to cnn's matt rivers joining us
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wlif -- us live from seoul. matt, what has changed here? >> reporter: dave, the american delegation went to the dmz here and went to the north korean side to meet with the north koreans. the u.s. ambassador in the fi philippines and prior to that he was key part of the necessity -- negotiations during the talks in the 2000s. after the president cap selled the meeting -- canceled the meeting, there was a lot of diplomacy. you had a lot of talk with moon jae-in and kim jong-un at the dmz where the americans and north koreans are talking right now. that meeting paved the way to try to get the meeting in singapore to happen. they are playing the third-party
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role of trying to make this summit happen. the chinese government has been working with the north koreans to try to make sure their interests are at play. you have to wonder how this changes all of this especially given what is going on in the south china sea. it may not seem connected with the americans conducting a freedom of navigation operation, but all this happening and it is all combined. what happens in the south china sea has an effect on the negotiatio negotiations. >> matt, thank you. >> joining us to discuss all of this is sarah westwood. thank you for getting up early on the holiday. >> good morning. >> i want to show you picture of the south korean leader and north korean leader hugging it out. they met over the weekend. >> that is an arrest wawkward e. >> it is awkward. >> that's a murderer.
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a human rights abuser. sorry to interrupt. >> i completely agree. we are watching all of these leaders fight for the influence of the process. we have president trump who insists june 12th is on track to go ahead. here is the thing. no one defined denuclearization. let's talk about the substance. then senator marco rubio questioned the motives. listen. >> ultimately, i remained convinced he doesn't want denuclearization. he will not denuclearization. he is giving up the perception he is an open leader and peaceful and reasonable. >> he is referring to kim jong-un obviously. a dictator. >> that's right. that is one of the many concerns you are hearing from bipartisan groups of lawmakers. one that kim jong-un's aim is to legitimize himself by appearing alongside trump.
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all kim jong-un wants is the photo opportunity. no real room for negotiation for denuclearization. another issue of rushing into the meeting without laying the ground work for what the u.s. expects from the north koreans. trump wants to notch a political victory because his approval ratings are rising as he is more in the public eye dealing with north korea. these are all fears the administration really hasn't addressed and now we're starting to see the internal division spill out in the open. when you have senior administration officials telling reporters the june 12th date, 15 days away, is too soon to sit down with kim jong-un because there is an lot of ground to cover. you have trump saying june 12th is on track as if he never canceled the summit. >> it makes for great television. does it make for great foreign policy when we talk about
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nuclear weapons? as when this will happen, is it too soon? two weeks from tomorrow. the president blasted the president in "the times." the failing "new york times" quotes a senior white house open efficiently w -- white house official who doesn't exist as saying even if the meeting were reinstated holding it on june 12th would be impossible. and david sanger said the reason the official was not named in the story is the white house press office briefing for hundreds of reporters was on background. sarah, does the president know what background briefings are or does he care? is it all about the narrative of fake news? >> this is a particularly brazen attack from president trump because this source, this white house source at the paper quoted was authorized to speak on behalf of the administration. someone put before a group of
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reporters and witnesses to deliver what was to put them on message. that goes beyond what we have seen from president trump using his platform to try to undermine the press by going after use of anonymous sources. it is a clear example of those internal divisions that still remain about north korea when you do have the official line be deviating from things that president trump is saying off the cuff that the likelihood the june 12th summit will take place. >> and now the mueller investigation. rudy giuliani, the president's lawyer, asked by cnn's dana bash, on sunday if there was a strategy to undermine the investigation at play. giuliani did not deny it. he said this. listen. >> they are giving us the material. i could not do it if i didn't have the material. we're defending to a large
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extent, dana, we're defending for public opinion. eventually the decision here is impeach or not impeach. members of congress, democrats and republicans, will be informed by constituents. our jury is as it should be the american people. >> why is giuliani transparent with the strategy? does he think the public is that stupid? >> rudy giuliani is saying something out loud that i think many republicans may have been thinking to themselves. democrats have been accusing them of trying to exploit some of the tactics that the fbi used and the public is unfamiliar with them and to trump's gain. the president's legal team is trying to use the fbi use of the confidential source and all of the pieces from the congressional oversight to innoculate the findings from the end of the investigation that
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puts president trump at risk. now in the court of public opinion, the trump administration will have laid the ground work to call this investigation illegitimate. if it does produce any findings against president trump. >> truth be told, we are not used to truth. when we hear it, it is stunning. we're used to the exact opposite. sarah westwood. thank you. i want tie a live look at arlington national cemetery -- i want to take a live look at arlington national cemetery. the day to honor american heroes on this day. the u.s. army military district of washington will have a wreath laying ceremony at the tomb of the unknown soldier. president trump is proclaiming this memorial day a day of prayer for permanent peace. breaking overnight. state of emergency declared in howard county, maryland after massive storms slammed the baltimore region and triggering
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flash flooding in ellicott city. cars and brown water rushing through the city's streets. it sent the nearby river to record-breaki record-breaking depth. at one point, sheriff's offices moved a cnn crew to another area due to a suspected gas leak. the rushing water so powerful it left the cars completely upended. >> the floor was flooded with water. water was coming in through the walls. >> it is hard to see every time it rains the community's heart stops. ellicott city is the strongest city. we will rebuild the best we can. >> this comes two years after the city was ravaged by another flood. gas prices at the highest this holiday weekend. the highest we have seen in four years. what is behind the spike and
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i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files?
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in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. welcome back. ireland voting to amend the country's constitution. repealing one of the world's most restrictive abortion bans. the emotionally charged referendum passed by a 2 to 1 margin. we have atika shubert live in dublin to tell us why. good morning, atika. >> reporter: good morning, alison. it was a tremendous weekend. incredible energy as ireland voted to legalize abortion. one of the things i noticed in
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dublin castle, it says the north is next. that is where the attention is shifting. campaigners here want to build on the momentum they have from the vote to pressure britain to liber liberalize the abortion laws. northern ieshreland is a unique case. the british prime minister is under pressure to do something about it. the problem is that even though mps in her party are pressuring her, she is actually in a coalition with the democratic unionist party. this is a very staunch pro-life party out of ireland. she will take a tricky position. >> thank you, atika. amimazing video from paris. a man scaling a building to save a child dangling from the balcony.
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listerine® cleans virtually 100%. helping to prevent gum disease and bad breath. never settle for 25%. always go for 100. bring out the bold™ breaking overnight. evacuations under way in hawaii with increased volcanic activity from kilauea. one fissure producing lava fountains reaching as high as 200 feet. cnn's miguel marquez is there. >> reporter: alison and dave, this is leilani estates. that is fiessure 7. this is the most active fissure in the 24 that are now erupting in the massive complex of volcanic activity in the lower
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southeastern area of kilauea. what you are looking at down at the bottom of the road is hardened laughharden ed lava. this is now blocked by 20 feet of lava and it is fountaining above it. it is empress sis impressive an. one problem they have is the wind is about to change direction. it is blowing toward less populated areas and now blowing toward hilo and puna. that will cause problems for people breathing. the island of hawaii is a long way through all of this. dave, alison. thank you. police in new jersey launching an internal investigation after video emerged of the woman's violent arrest on the beach. two officers are on desk duty. i want to warn you, some may find this video tough to watch. >> stop resisting! stop!
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>> no! stop resisting! stop resisting! stop resisting! >> that is awful. the clip showing one officer punching the 20-year-old in the head. then flipping her with his arm around his neck. she was charged with improper conduct on an officer. she detailed her story. she passed a breathalyzer test after admitting she had alcohol on the beach. the situation escalated when she refused to give the officers her name. let's get a check on cnn money. u.s. markets are closed for memorial day. it was the bumpy ride last week. stocks rallied after the u.s. and china appeared to put the trade war on hold.
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after the doubt on the deal, stocks tumbled with uncertainty over north korea and crude oil prices rattling markets. on friday, the lab departmentor releases jobs reports. friday is also a very key trade deadline for u.s. allies. tariffs on steel and aluminum from the eu, canada and mexico are scheduled to take effect. they were originally supposed to start a month ago, but the trump administration delayed them to try to negotiate final agreement. are you getting sticker shock when you fill up? gas prices up 30% from last memorial day. the national average at $2.90 a gallon. it is higher in some states. the big reason for rising gas prices? a spike in oil prices. the u.s. exit from the iran
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nuclear deal helped to sent crude prices higher. opec and russia cut production. even as global demanded is surging. that is making the price move on oil. $100 million. it is a solid opening for any film franchise that is not named "star wars." the $101 million that the disney film "solo" took in over the weekend is considered a disappointment. it is the biggest memorial day weekend in four years, the original film fell short of box office expectations. that makes "solo" the smallest opening for "star wars" since 2002. lebron james reaching the lebron james reaching his eighth straight nba finals after willing the cleveland cavaliers to a game 7 victory on over the boston celtics in the eastern conference finals. four-time mvp pouring in 35
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points, pulling down 15 rebounds, adding nine assists while playing every minute of the game. cavs will meet the winner of tonight's wefrpbs conference matchup between houston and golden state in the nba finals. lack of clarity. mason has seen it all in her 17 years as an english teacher in south korea. when the retired teacher received a letter from those deficiencies from none other than the white house, mrs. mason did not let it go. this is the white house letter with mrs. may son's letter and comments. federal, president, state. common nouns into proper announce. at the bottom she writes, omg, this is wrong. this was signed by the president but was likely a form letter.
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all right. this is amazing. in france, a young man being hailed a hero for rescuing a young child dangling from a fourth floor balcony. you can is see a my grant from mali scaling the balcony. he will now receive citizenship. he's already been offered a job by the paris fire brigade. i would say well worth it. he certainly earned it. thanks for joining us on this memorial day. "new day" starts right now. this is cnn breaking news. >> we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. it is monday, may 28th, 6:00 in new york. we remember our loved ones lost in service. dave briggs, good to have


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